


Baptism is the first and fundamental sacrament. In Baptism we become a child of God the Father, a brother/sister of Jesus Christ, a temple of the Holy Spirit, and a member of God’s family, the Church.  Read More…


The Eucharist is the most treasured gift given to the Church by the Lord at the Last Supper in which we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus. The Eucharist is the heart and the summit of the Church’s life. The Eucharist is the source of our faith.
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Sacrament of Penance

The Sacrament of Penance is also known as the ‘Sacrament of Reconciliation’ or traditionally called ‘Confession’ is the rite by which sins are confessed and forgiven.
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The sacrament of Confirmation, along with baptism and the Eucharist, is one of the three sacraments of initiation. Confirmation celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit and our Baptism is completed or “sealed” by the Holy Spirit.
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The sacrament of Matrimony celebrates a couple’s commitment to share the whole of their life together and to show the love of God to each other, to their children and to others through their relationship.
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Holy Orders

The Sacrament of Holy Orders continues Jesus Christ’s priesthood, which He entrusted to His Apostles. Ordination comes from the Latin word ordinatio, which means to incorporate into an order, at one of three levels: the episcopacy for a bishop, the presbytery for a priest, or the diaconate for a deacon.
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Sacrament of the Sick

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is a prayerful celebration for someone or for a group of people who are ill and are blessed by the priest with Holy Oil. In the Sacrament of the Sick “It is Jesus himself who comes to relieve the sick person, to give strength, to give hope, to help; and to forgive sins”.
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The Parish Office is open on Monday, Tuesday and Friday mornings, 9.30am – 12.30pm. If you need to come to the office at a different time, please ring first to check availability. To apply for a Certificate of Baptism or Confirmation or to arrange to complete a Pre-Nuptial Form or Letter of Freedom please Read More…



Baptism is the first and fundamental sacrament. In Baptism we become a child of God the Father, a brother/sister of Jesus Christ, a temple of the Holy Spirit, and a member of God’s family, the Church.  Read More…


The Eucharist is the most treasured gift given to the Church by the Lord at the Last Supper in which we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus. The Eucharist is the heart and the summit of the Church’s life. The Eucharist is the source of our faith.
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Sacrament of Penance

The Sacrament of Penance is also known as the ‘Sacrament of Reconciliation’ or traditionally called ‘Confession’ is the rite by which sins are confessed and forgiven.
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The sacrament of Confirmation, along with baptism and the Eucharist, is one of the three sacraments of initiation. Confirmation celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit and our Baptism is completed or “sealed” by the Holy Spirit.
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The sacrament of Matrimony celebrates a couple’s commitment to share the whole of their life together and to show the love of God to each other, to their children and to others through their relationship.
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Holy Orders

The Sacrament of Holy Orders continues Jesus Christ’s priesthood, which He entrusted to His Apostles. Ordination comes from the Latin word ordinatio, which means to incorporate into an order, at one of three levels: the episcopacy for a bishop, the presbytery for a priest, or the diaconate for a deacon.
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Sacrament of the Sick

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is a prayerful celebration for someone or for a group of people who are ill and are blessed by the priest with Holy Oil. In the Sacrament of the Sick “It is Jesus himself who comes to relieve the sick person, to give strength, to give hope, to help; and to forgive sins”.
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The Parish Office is open on Monday, Tuesday and Friday mornings, 9.30am – 12.30pm. If you need to come to the office at a different time, please ring first to check availability. To apply for a Certificate of Baptism or Confirmation or to arrange to complete a Pre-Nuptial Form or Letter of Freedom please Read More…