Baptismal Certificate
Please download and complete the Request for a Baptismal Certificate and return it to the parish office. In accordance with GDPR regulations valid ID must be presented before a certificate can be received – hence a Certificate of Baptism cannot be forwarded by post. There is a charge of €10 for the issuing of this certificate.
Confirmation Certificate
Please download and complete the Request for a Confirmation Certificate and return it to the parish office. In accordance with GDPR regulations valid ID must be presented before a certificate can be issued – hence a Certificate of Confirmation cannot be forwarded by post. There is a charge of €10 for the issuing of this certificate.
Marriage Application Form:
Please download and complete the Request for Marriage and return it to the parish. Completion of this form is a request for marriage in the parish and does not constitute a booking. The Parish accepts this notification of marriage, subject to the accuracy of the information provided, and the subsequent completion of the Pre-Nuptial Inquiry Form.
Letter of Freedom
Please download and complete the Request for a Letter of Freedom and return it to the office. In accordance with GDPR regulations valid ID must be presented before a certificate can be issued – hence a Baptismal Certificate cannot be forwarded by post. There is a charge of €10 for the issuing of this certificate. There is a charge of €10 for the issuing of this certificate.