Ordination of Bishop Niall Coll

Ordination of Bishop Niall Coll

The ordination ceremony has been uploaded to Youtube and can be viewed.  Search within the Youtube platform for Ordination Bishop Niall Coll and you should find the link  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxTfWUSPaZQ There have been over a thousand views in a few...

Ash Wednesday 2023

Mass with the blessing and distribution of ashes will take place on Ash Wednesday at 9am.  Blessed ashes will be available in the Cathedral throughout the day.
Celebrating Marriage in St Mary’s Cathedral

Celebrating Marriage in St Mary’s Cathedral

The parish has had a number of enquiries from couples since the beginning of the year looking to have their marriage celebrated here in the Cathedral.  While we are happy to welcome couples who are not parishioners it is important that parishioners would also give...