Visit of the Relics of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes to Ossory

Bishop Coll welcomes the visit of the Relics of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes to the Diocese of Ossory. It is with joy that the Diocese of Ossory will host a visit of the Relics of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes on the weekend of 21st/22nd September 2024.

This is an initiative of United Irish Pilgrimages to Lourdes, which is a group comprising of Pilgrimage Directors from most Irish dioceses and of some Religious orders.  Saint Bernadette‘s relics will visit each diocese in the country and some churches belonging to religious orders during the months of September and October 2024.

Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Kilkenny, will kindly accommodate the visit of the Relics to Ossory Diocese.  This is an initiative to bring a small piece of Lourdes to Ireland and make it possible for more people to experience something of what is close to and make it possible for more people to experience something of what is close to the hearts of those who travel on our diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes each year.